the word of mouth network
My mission 'to empower individuals to find their creative voice and unleash their full potential' has lead me to launch dokimi - the word of mouth network. dokimi is designed to support and connect talent in film, theatre and television through professional recommendations, and aims to increase access to the arts by empowering talent and promoting excellence.
dokimi strives to encourage diversity in the arts by changing the way talent is identified, and by broadening the current field of vision. We aim to provide a platform that can help launch new talent, as well as extending the opportunities available to established talent, at an accessible cost.
dokimi strives to encourage diversity in the arts by changing the way talent is identified, and by broadening the current field of vision. We aim to provide a platform that can help launch new talent, as well as extending the opportunities available to established talent, at an accessible cost.
dokimi has so far been funded by a Kickstarter campaign, and continues to be supported by our new members' subscriptions. As a new start-up our network is constantly growing.
Current members of dokimi include:- Directors, Choreographers, Producers, Writers, Actors, Film Crew, Stage Crew, Designers, Musicians, Musical Directors, Casting Directors, Composers, Dancers, Puppeteers, Singers, Photographers (and many more). What our members are saying about us... "Found some true gems on dokimi' Marie - Assistant Director "The Dokimi Network has allowed me to access an instant and reliable database of multi-skilled professionals in the industry." Emma Brunton - Assistant Director & Choreographer "Finally someone had the balls to create something the industry has needed for a long time, and they've done so with integrity, which makes it that much more rare and invaluable." - Christie Lee Manning, UnCorked Theatre |